Getting headhunted is such a boost to your confidence and career that it can be really hard to keep it to yourself. But if you do tell your employer, or other people at work, too quickly, it can end up causing you some avoidable problems. By playing your cards a little closer to your chest, […]
Employee Relations
Team building and Employee Wellbeing, Job
Being headhunted can be a pivotal moment in your career. By making yourself visible to recruiters, you can find positions that allow you to take that next step up the career ladder. If you are on the lookout for the next step up, getting the attention of a recruiter could be vital. Executive search processes […]
Nerves can be a debilitating problem for many people. Business presentations, staff meetings and simply making a speech at an employee’s leaving party can be a daunting prospect. If you get nervous speaking in meetings, there are common methods that can be used to help overcome this problem. Anxiety Giving Presentations & Speaking in Meetings […]
Most of us go about our day to day lives without giving much thought to the way we communicate. However in business it’s as much about how we present when we communicate, as it is about the message. Understanding and implementing good business body language can help relations with clients and coworkers. Understanding Body Language […]
Needing to write a resignation letter for personal reasons can be a delicate situation to navigate. You may be dealing with a difficult situation, and not know how to convey that within your letter. Maintaining a professional tone whilst explaining why you are leaving can be a delicate balancing act. There may also be hesitation […]
Flexible working has become more popular over recent years due to the changing needs of customers and employees. It’s valued by both employees and employers for the benefits it brings. But what is flexible working? The term is used in many different ways which can be confusing. Our guide explains what it encompasses, the benefits, […]
Asking for a raise at work is one of the more awkward conversations to approach. Often, employees end up not asking as they feel too uncomfortable. We’ll look at how to best ask for a salary increase and how to build your case with your employer. It can seem daunting, even cheeky, to approach your […]
Strikes and industrial action are costly and damaging to companies and employees alike. Any organisation’s culture and procedures should seek to avoid any potential conflict that might result in workers going on strike before it arises. However, this isn’t always possible. There are legal processes which must be followed for a strike to be lawful. […]
Brilliant news just in – you’ve bagged yourself an interview for the job you recently applied for. A slight dilemma is imminent though – just how do you get the time off work to attend the interview? If you’ve never navigated this situation before, you might wonder if employers have to let you go to […]
Many different types of job need pre employment background checks in order to screen new hires for suitability. Many of these are legal requirements for some roles, others are to ensure the business gets candidates that are the right fit. Our guide looks at what types of employee background checks are done, and what the […]