The UK has one of the lowest employee absence rates in Europe, with figures released by the ONS in 2023 reporting workers took an average of 5.7 work days off sick per year in 2022. Figures released by the CIPD in September 2023 suggest a dramatic increase in the previous 12 months. The study found […]
Health & Wellbeing
Dealing With Difficult Customers, Exemptions to the Smoking Ban,
We’ve all been there. The alarm goes off and you lie there thinking of a good excuse to call in sick to get out of work. You’re just not feeling it quite frankly. But what believable sick day excuses will get you off without the manager suspecting? Perhaps you’ve had a stressful few days at […]
In recent years, an element of remote working has become an accepted part of many jobs. Most employees don’t need excuses to work from home. Many companies have hybrid working policies in place, or offer some roles in a fully remote capacity. However, if your workplace is inflexible or you are looking to negotiate a […]
Many of us spend long shifts at work on our feet. Employees such as hospitality workers, nurses, and retail staff will be all too familiar with nagging foot pain at the end of the work day. If you’ve been asking yourself “why do my feet hurt so bad after work?” You are not alone! There […]
Self care is important in today’s fast paced world. Dealing with feeling guilty about calling in sick to work is a common experience for many. Sick days are a vital part of recovery from illness and help you to remain healthy and productive at work. Perhaps you worry about letting the team down, or about […]
Our daily job can sometimes grind us down. Whether it is the commuting, the workload, the hours, or the environment itself, everyone can end up feeling overwhelmed at work. Stress isn’t uncommon in the workplace and some jobs are more stressful than others. However, it is important to recognise when this stress evolves into an […]
Falling ill and ending up on sick leave is full of stress and uncertainty. During long term sick leave, it’s important to understand your employment rights as well as your own obligations. UK employment law offers protection to workers during their absence, and as they navigate a return to work. Our guide helps employees understand […]
Whenever we tend to consider a new job very few of us give much thought to the commute to work. How long it takes to travel to our place of work each day can have an effect on health. But how long is too long for a daily commute? What unintended health effects can long […]
Working from home has become very common in recent years. The pandemic brought with it a radical change to many people’s working environment. Employees were encouraged to work remotely where possible. Now that some normality has returned, workers are once again having to consider how to ask to work from home. If you find yourself […]
You’re not feeling well, and the thought of the office turns you cold. But what to do? Is it OK to call in sick? In theory, anything wrong with you that will prevent you from performing your usual job role is a valid reason to call out of work. We say in theory though, because […]