It can be stressful when your employer changes your working hours. You might be wondering if you have to work more than your contracted hours? Perhaps you are worried about proposed changes to start and finish times, or working days?

Our guide will help you understand the regulations around contracted working hours, and your rights as an employee in the UK. We’ll walk you through the steps to help negotiate with your employer.
What Are Your Rights When Working Hours Are Changed?
When confronted with a change to regular working hours, many employees want to know if their employer or manager is allowed to make the changes to their work schedule.
There are a number of things to look at when you find yourself in this situation.
The first thing you need to do is:-
Check Your Contract For Working Hours & Days
For any issue regarding your employment, it is really important to look at your contract.
If you are unhappy with a proposed change to your rota, it’s important to check what was said in your employment contract when you started your job.
- You should have been provided with a copy of your contract at the point when you started your job.
- If you were not provided with a copy, ask for one.
- If you have lost your copy, you are still entitled to see your contract. Your employer should hold one in your employee file.
- If the contract refers to any other procedures (such as disciplinary procedures) or terms and conditions of employment, this forms part of your contract. You are entitled to see these documents too.
- Your contract may state what days and times you and your employer agreed that you would work. If this is the case, your employer must agree a new work contract with you.
Employer Changing Your Working Hours?
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Can Your Employer Change the Days You Work On?
If your workplace wishes to change the days and times of your shifts, you might be wondering if it’s legal for an employer to change your working hours in this way.
In many cases, an employer can change working hours and days within UK employment law. However, there is a process they must follow, and when staff ask to alter working hours they must properly consider the request.
Related: Is Saturday a working day? | Full Time Working Hours Vs Part Time
Understand Your Contract – Fixed Days vs Shift Work
The main difference between fixed day and shift work is that if you have fixed days, your contract will specify what days and times you are to work.
If you work shifts where your employer puts up a rota to tell you when you are working, your hours or days of work are usually not specified in your contract.
If your hours are specified in your contract, our guide on dealing with your employer changing your work contract will give an overview of your rights and help navigating the process.
Can Your Employer Reduce or Increase Working Hours?
If you’re happy with your working hours, it can be understandably stressful if your employer wants to reduce or increase them.
If your contract does not specify how many hours you work, which is often the case with zero hour work contracts, then your employer can vary your working hours.
However, if your contract specifies how many hours you work, then they’ll need to renegotiate your contract with you.
See Also:
- Can my employer reduce my hours?
- I want to reduce my working hours – what should I do?
- Weekend Working Laws UK
- Can you be forced to work overtime?
- Unsociable Hours
Changes to Working Hours – Case Studies
There are a number of ways in which your employer or manager might ask you to make changes to your working hours.
Each situation has different laws and rights which you need to be aware of when discussing with your workplace. We’ve created some mini case studies based on common reader’s questions.
These will help you understand common situations and how they would be dealt with under UK laws on work rotas.
Case Study – My Employer Wants Me to Work More than My Contracted Hours & Weekends
I have a contract for 21 hours and my employer has just told us we are having a delivery every day Mon-Sunday for xmas. They have said if we don’t work these days we will be disciplined.
I work Monday to Friday and they have told us we have to work Saturday and Sunday night. If we have a contract of 21 hours do we have to work over our contract hours? I have 3 young children. I can’t get childcare and I am worried I might lose my job because I’m unable to do the extra hours.
Sarah M, via email.
Your rights in this situation are varied. There are changes your employer can legally make within acceptable limits.
- You cannot be forced to work over the number of hours in your contract and can refuse to do so. However, you must check what your work contract says about overtime. There may be a clause saying something like “A reasonable amount of overtime may be required to meet the needs of the business.”
- If you do not work the full number of hours stated in your contract without good reason then your employer may discipline you.
- If you object to the number of hours you have been allocated, it is always best to speak to your employer as soon as possible.
- You can’t work Mon-Fri and then say you have done your hours so you are not working at the weekend. Your employer may choose to reduce your hours during the week, and allocate extra hours on weekends.
- You have the right to request flexible working hours so long as you have worked with your employer for more than 26 weeks.
- You cannot be made to work more than 48 hours a week as per the Working Time Directive regulations unless you have opted out.
Employer Making Changes to The Shifts You Work
There are many scenarios under which you might have changes made to the shifts you’re being asked to work.
Here are 3 common examples based on reader’s questions and an overview of the law and rights at play in each scenario.
Case Study 1 – My Employer is Changing My Rota From Dayshift to Nightshift
I’ve been working for a company for 11 years since it started. I have been working day shifts because they told me that the night shift is too risky for ladies.
Now they said I must work the night shift without any reason or agreement. I haven’t worked a night shift before and I have two children who are 5 & 9. My husband works nights so cannot look after them.
- What times and days you have to work will depend on your contract.
- If your contract states that you are available to work any time, unfortunately you can be called upon to work on different days or hours than your usual work pattern.
- If your availability has changed, you need to discuss this with your employer. A new contract may need to be signed with this change reflected.
Case Study 2 – My New Working Hours Mean I Can’t Get to Work on Time
I have been working late afternoons and evenings into the night due to the nature of my work. The place I work has very bad public transport connections and absolutely no public transport after my work finishes.
Now my employer has asked me to come in early one day a week because it would suit them better. This would be really difficult for me due to transport problems. Can my employer force me to change my hours?Can they give me a warning or fire me if I can’t accommodate them?
- If your contract limits your working hours or days i.e from 9am to 5pm, your employer can request that you change these hours.
- Should you be unable to change your working hours, your employer cannot force you to do so.
- If your contract does not specify your working hours, then unfortunately your employer can make these changes.
- It is always worth discussing any requested changes with your employer. You may be able to agree a compromise that suits you both better. It’s not in the interests of either party to create a situation where an employee will struggle to get to work.
Case Study 3 – My Employer Has Added Nights to my Rota & I Have Childcare Issues
I work for a care company. I work 6 days and 1 evening, and I have 2 children under the age of 16. Today I was told that next week and future weeks I will be doing 4 days and 2 nights. However, nobody else has had this text.
Can my manager do this? Really worry as I have nobody to watch my kids at nights.
- Clearly child care is a major concern in relation to working hours for many workers.
- If you have any concerns this should be discussed with your employer. It may be that there is another employee who is more able to work evenings and nights.
- As above, if your contract states that you can work these times, your employer can rota you accordingly.
- You have the right to request flexible working in regard to childcare issues.
Requesting Flexible Working
If your workplace is changing your hours to a rota that causes problems, you can request your needs be met. All workers have the right to request flexible working to accommodate other commitments.
To have the right to request flexible working you must:-
- a) have worked for the company for at least 26 weeks.
- b) not have made a flexible working request already in the last 12 months.
Be aware that your employer does not have to agree to this. They must give your request serious consideration and give you reasons in writing for any request being denied. In some businesses, flexible working may not be feasable. Try to be reasonable and try to agree times that suit both you and your employer.
Note the flexible working policy is extended to all workers and not just carers of children.
You can also use a flexible working request to formally ask your employer to reduce your working hours if your circumstances have changed.
A flexible working request can only be refused for a defined set of reasons.
This means it offers workers a fair process. Informal requests can simply be refused.
Notice of Working Hours and Shift Changes
Your employer must give you reasonable notice of any changes to your working hours, such as cancelling your shifts.
They may request last minute changes, such as ringing you that morning to say that they do not require you to work.
You can choose to agree to this change. However, if you are not given reasonable notice of your shift being cancelled or shortened, you can refuse this reduction in your hours.
What is Reasonable Notice of Shift Changes?
How much notice is “reasonable”? There is no law defining reasonable. However your employment contract may state this.
In most cases, a minimum of 12 hours notice would be expected as reasonable notice to cancel a shift. It may be reasonable to have more notice of a requirement to work rather than a shift being cancelled.
Case Study:-
My employer normally gives out the next week rota normally on the Thursday. It seems to be getting later and later. It is now Friday and we still haven’t had the rota for next week. Can they do that?
It is often a problem for those who rely on a rota for their working days or hours that the rota is not put up until near the end of the week before. This then gives you only a few days notice of any early-week shift.
Unfortunately, unless specified in your contract, the only guide is what is “reasonable”. If this causes you problems however, ask your employer about this. Often the rota will be in draft form “subject to minor alterations” many weeks in advance. If you will not be in work on days to know when you are working, you can also always ring up to ask.
Obviously if rotas are put up last minute across several weeks, you may need to speak to your employer. However if it is a one-off and only a day later, do be reasonable. Has your manager been away ill or had another reason to not be able to put up the rota as early as normal that week? If the late notice causes you substantial problems, communicate with your Manager.
What to Do If Your Employer is in Breach of Contract
If your employer is in breach of your employment contract (e.g. not giving you your amount of contracted hours), what can you do?
- The first step is always to talk to your employer or manager. It may be a simple mistake which can easily be rectified by amending the rota.
- If you are unhappy with your manager’s response to your complaint, follow your company’s complaints procedure. This often requires you to forward your complaint to a more senior manager.
- If you do not know your employer’s complaints procedure, ask to see a copy of it. If your company has an HR Department, they may also be able to provide you with guidance on the procedures. You are often entitled to have a supporter present, such as another employee, which can be reassuring at any meeting.
- It is always best to try to resolve matters “in house” with your employer. If you are not able to do so, you can take your employer to an Employment Tribunal. Be aware that whilst you can’t be fired for doing so, this may make for an awkward working environment if you are still employed at the firm.
If your employer is proposing changes to your contract and you don’t agree, read our guide to Objecting to Changes in your Employment Contract.
Employment Tribunals
- An employment tribunal is an independent body that will assess your complaint and may make your employer pay you compensation if they think your rights have been breached.
- You usually have to apply to the employment tribunal within 3 months of the incident you are complaining about arising (e.g. 3 months after you were unfairly fired).
- To refer a matter to an employment tribunal, you must download and fill in a form which can be found at There are also guidance notes online to assist you with filling in your application. The form can be filled in and submitted online, or printed and returned by post to your local employment tribunal office.
- If you want help in referring your complaint to an employment tribunal, you can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau who will provide you with free advice. If you are a member of a trade union, they may also be able to assist you.
Our detailed guide will help you find out more on what an employment tribunal is, and what will happen during the process.
Zero Hours Contracts
If you are on a zero hours contract, much of the above may not apply to your circumstances. We have a guide on Zero Hours Contracts here, which we hope you will find useful.
The law says that an employer must give “reasonable” notice for a shift change, but does not define a timeframe. A 12 hour notice period to change a single shift would be considered reasonable in most cases. For a bigger change, such as altering a weekly rota, 24 hours would be reasonable.
If your day off is specified in your work contract, your employer cannot force you to work on that day. However, It’s important to check your contract to see what it says about any requirements to work extra hours. It may say you need to work overtime when required. However, remember that unless you’ve agreed to waive your rights, you cannott be required to work more than 48 hours a week.
If your hours are fixed in your employment contract, your employer cannot change your shift pattern without your agreement. If your shifts are not laid out in your work contract, you may wish to submit a flexible working request.
UK law does not lay out how much advance notice you should have of your work rota. It is good practice to give employees a week’s notice, however in some industries where needs change quickly, it is common for notice to be much shorter.
Hi, can my supervisor change the rota day before, whilst not being at work themselves,
Ie yesterday i was, 8 2 shift,
Today the washer upper told me shifts been changed,to not working
But the supervisor is off for 2 days,
Is she allowed to do this when not working
Hi, I’ve been working 4 nights a week (Mon-Thur, total 37.5hrs per week) for a long time now – also stated on my contract. Now they are proposing to shorten our shifts and make it 5 nights (Mon-Fri, total 37.5hrs per week).
Can they enforce this?
Hey there, if your hours, days and times of work are stated on your employment contract they can’t just enforce a change of working hours. They’d need to renegotiate your work contract.
What are a workers rights while working in a rat infested warehouse with no toilet or sink? Is that even legal?
Hi, I have worked at my employment for 17 years. It was Co op, which was then taken on by McCalls. They took us on with our Co op contracts, 6 years ago. I have always worked 2 days and 2 evenings of 30 hours contract. We now have a new manager who changes our shifts every week, with about 3 to 4 days notice for the next week. This means I have no idea at all what I am working ever! Even the weekends! ? Surely this can’t be legal, as I can’t make appointments for dentists, doctors opticians or anything, ie hobbies, seeing family? 😢😢😢
Hi Joanna, the first thing you should do is to look at your contract of employment. If you don’t have one, ask your manager for a copy. If your contract mentions specific days of the week you should be working on then your employer should be honouring this. However, be aware that if this is the case then your new employers may attempt to renegotiate your contract. In terms of notice, unfortunately employment law is quite vague on this issue. It simply states that notice for changing rotas should be “reasonable”. If your contract is no help, it might be an idea to try and talk to your manager and see if they are able to give you at least some degree of regularity with your hours. It’s not an unreasonable request.
Hi, I came in to cover on a tuesday my day off. I asked for next day off due to not feeling to well, I was met with a barage of abusive digs, jibes,and other over reactions from boss that morn. Boss then got her sister to come in to finish my shift without asking me if i was ok with this. I got sent home that morn, at the end of working day I receive a txt from her saying i’ve not to come in to work rest of week as she has given my shifts to her sister without any discusson, her sister normally works only on a saturday. Can anything be done about this?.
Hi Linda, in the first instance you should read your employment contract. If your manager has taken away your contracted hours without your consent, you may wish to take some advice from ACAS about how best to proceed.
The company I work for are moving my team from a 24/7 shift role to a Monday to Friday position. Therefore, we are losing our shift enhancement. They are keeping me on the same scale but, in essence, don’t want to pay us shifts anymore. I am contracted as a shift worker. Can they do this?
hi all
my company has brought into another and have cut our man power from 7 to 6 which now means 6 of us are covering a 7 man rota.
they have brought out a new rota which has us doing the same amount of hours but this has now increased my night work by over 200 hours a year can i ask for extra money due to the more unsociable hours? Liam
I’m contracted to a four day week but always work the Friday morning as overtime now my employer wants to change my working week to five days so I don’t work overtime anymore. I will be losing a lot of money going on 5 days losing the overtime pay does my employer has to take this into account when changing my contract
Hi I checked my rota before I took my weeks holiday and I was not working the Sunday of the week after my holiday. Work rang me and asked me to cut my holuday short by 1 day I refused now I have been sent an amended rota with me working Sunday when I have plans for my wknd because I assumed I was off is this fair?
Tell them you do not get back off holiday until 10pm on the Sunday. I have a golden rule, when you are on holiday, block your works number, your employers number and anyone else who you work with. Works all the time. I worked for one company and the Boss could not get their act together when it came to rotas (I have done rotas before I always did 5/6 weeks in advance and rarely had issues.) We would be waiting on the friday for them to do the following weeks rota, which started on the sunday. People like to plan their lives. I work to live not the other way round
Hi my boyfriend has just been told that he is now only allowed a half an hour break and any travelling to work will not be paid for (ie if he is working away for the day). He has been working for the same business for 15 years but end of last year they were taken over and the new employers are making changes, where does he stand legally as he has not signed a contract to this effect?
My employer who I have worked for 14 years has just put up the rotas for the next 3 weeks stating that I will finish at midnight or 1am but I work 20 miles from home and transport links stop before midnight, I have informed my manager that I would be unable to finish at these times as a taxi home would cost £20 per shift and I work 5 shifts per week, she said that there are a lot of staff in the same situation but there is nothing sh can do. Is this legal?
Hi Jason – This is not legal advice. The first thing you should do is to check your contract to see what it says about your working hours. If no mention of a working hours timeframe is in your contract, then unfortunately your employer may well be within their rights to do this. However, if many of your co-workers are in this situation it seems ill advised of your manager to simply throw up her hands and say there’s nothing she can do. Perhaps discussing this with your co-workers and finding out how many people are affected before approaching the manager again to try and negotiate a compromise would help. If the business ends up short staffed they may need to have a re-think.
i work twelve hours a week and work every other saturday and recently my employee says i have to work every saturday because i work twelve hours. Can they do this?
My contracted hours have increased but I haven’t been given a new contract to sign . Is this illegal
I have worked for my company for 10 years and my contract is for 16 hours per week. 5 years ago I had a different roll and have been working 20 hours per week. My manager never changed my contract and my rota for next week is 16 hours. Is this legal?
My employer has decided to change my working hours which is 9-5 and is now trying to make me leave my house at 4:30 in the morning to be in London. I did not agree to this and nowhere in my contract does it say that. Just want to know where I stand really as I have a 1 year old daughter and I don’t want to be waking her up every morning ing at half 4
Great article, but unfortunately still didin’t answer my questions… I’m working as a waiter and the last four weeks (just came back after full furlough) i worked on average 45h per week but this and next week i’m allocated with only 30h (that is my contracted hours) can the employer do that? shouldn’t they count the average from the past? It just made my earnings drops significantly.
This is a good article. But what is the law around the number of days some is contracted to? And what can some do if the days are reduced without consent and prior warning even if its temporary? Example, my contract states I am to work 5 days out of 7. But on my rota I have been dropped to 4 and 3 days without notice, whilst this isn’t all the time it is becoming more frequent. I work in retail and I appreciate sales can drop but surely, the manager must adhere to what’s in my contract? Or am I wrong?
Hi Abby – this is not legal advice, for info only! A reduction in working hours should not take place without discussion / negotiation with the employee. It’s a good idea to raise this issue with your manager as soon as possible.
My employer is wanting to change my start time from 3am to 23.00pm and put someone else in my slot at 3am but I don’t want to move can they force me too move time
I have work for 16 years at my job when I was hired as low guy i was given night shift 12 hours 6pm to 6am 4 on 4 off after 8 years a day shift opened up and i was given it now 8 years later they have come to me and said they are going to put me to rotating day night shifts can they do this
My emplyoter changed the location of the store I was working at without telling me. I work full time at leeds and without telling me they changed my rota to Wakefield instead. The only reason I found out was due to notifications from the rota website but they planned on telling me the day before that I was scheduled for a shift at another store. None of my co workers have had this happen to them Ive talked to them and they wont change it what can I do?
i have been working for a retail company since march 2020. i am i college student and when i started, they asked me the hours that i was available to work. i am still getting the same hours every week (12) but they keep changing my recovery shift to later times. it used to be while 22:00, then they changed it to 22:30, and now they are considering forcing us to work while midnight. i cannot do so as i have college and i rely on my parents to take me to and from work. i dont know how to discuss it with my manager in a productive way. can they force me to work such late hours due to my circumstances? what can i do, legal wise?
I work for a care company and 2years ago i was re-deployed to another service and given set days and shifts and i have it in writing. My employer is now saying that they cannot accommodate me any longer in this service as one of the people we support passed away, and want to move me to another service with the same days and hours. They are asking me to travel a longer distance and cost to me on public transport is much greater. I have care commitments outside work (family) and the extra time they are asking me to travel Co-incides with my other care duties which are unpaid. I am having financial dificulties also and cannot afford to pay the extra money on public transport. I am now on sick leave due to the stress of this. I told my manager i don’t want to move but she say’s it is the only option available to her. Am i within my rights to ask for Redundancy?
Hello, my agency booking my Start time. They send me 9pm oclock i need to come on the next day 6 oclock in the morning. Or sometimes send me 9pm i nedd to start 5am oclock . 8h before the starting time this is a legal? What a gap should be between SENDING starting time for next day? How manny hours before they need to send me, manny thanks
I have been working 12.00 till 22.00 for over a year now Monday to Thursday & now they want me to work 14.15 to 22.15 Monday to Friday. I have to catch 2 buses there & 2 buses home which takes 1 1/2 hours each trip & the last bus is 22.15. I have been given no valid reason for the change so have refused to do it how do I stand if they sack me
My company has today stated that we are not required to work Sunday 27th December 2020 (which is part of my 3 x 12 night shift ) due to the firm shutting down for that day , they have said I can take a days holiday from next years entitlement or bank the hours to be worked at another time I really dont agree and have said that due to my availability to work and not my fault how do I stand by law
I’ve been working for this company for nearly 8 years now and only done Wednesday, Thursday and fridays. However recently I come back from furlough and got told by my boss that shifts might change I informed him I cannot work any other days expect the ones I’ve been doing for 8 years due to commitments. A week later the new shift pattern goes up on the board and he puts me on a Tuesday (which I cant do) and take the Thursday off me. I questioned this and got told theres no movement even though I had already informed him. Now weve been in constant conversation regarding my new shift me stating I cannot do it due to commitments and being told my commitments arnt good enough to be able to change to shifts around. I got a disciplinary for not turning up one Tuesday and now looking at another one.
Can an employer take all shift allowance of if they change your hours for 2 months to work only 6am -2:00 pm ?
I was working 8.30 to 4.30 for nearly 20 years. Last year we were told we had to change to shift work 8am to 6pm and if we didn’t we would be moved to another establishment. So we reluctantly agreed. However since August we have been put back to 8.30 to 4.30. Can this now become custom and practice. Have asked to keep this fixed pattern. And have been refused. Eventhough at present we at still on a fixed pattern of 8.30am to 4.30
Boss has told me I have to work different hours to that i have done for two years. I have explained that this messes with childcare etc and getting to my other job. Response was that I need to sort myself out.
I work 8:30 to 4:30 Monday to Friday, since I started this job in April. These were the times I was told in my interview. Now I’ve been told by my manager that he wants me to work 9am till 5pm sometimes because it’s not fair on other staff members. They wear told they started at 9am and finished at 5pm. I have a childminder that will charge extra if I work later, do i have to accept this new change?
I work 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday my employer is now trying to force shift change on employees by saying we work 6am till 2 pm and 2pm till 10pm on a rotating shift pattern and we have to do 5 out of Severn days, this is not sitting pretty with employees because a lot of us have children and partners who we pick up from their work in the evening. Im my circumstances I have my daughter at weekends and pick my partner up at 5.30 in the evening as it would cost us over £100 pounds a week in taxi and bus fares. Where do we stand on our working rights
Hi I was working full time before lock down and have been told By my employer that my job role is no longer available, and that there is only part time hours for an admin role available. The hours dont suit for childcare and are harder for my family to work around. Im also watching another colleague do my job that I wasnt told was no longer available. Can they do this?
I m working for weekend night shift from last 4 years in a secondary packaging company ,shift pattern wed,thurs,fri &sat not getting paid extra pay for weekend but my manager asked me changed my shift pattern from thurs,fri,sat &sun now which i m loosing my sunday which i should get paid fir unsocial hours and that too within 2 weeks. Can i demand for extra pay or can i deny thus shift pattern according to some law? Please advise.
I work 18 hrs a week very but as from mon I am down to 12 hrs and not been told I only found out when I saw rota
Im currently on a fixed rota pattern which is changing to a different fixed rota pattern On 30th October, which I have no real issues except on the new pattern I will now work an extra 3 days between 30th Oct & 31st December, is this allowed?
Hi. I work 4day week over 5mon to fri for over 10years. I am now told I will ge going to a 3day week to include a sat every other week. Can I say refuse to work Saturday? thanks
I have always worked 1130 to 6 for 17 years now I have been taken off one of my day shifts and been given evening shift somebody else has been given my day shift is this fair
My hours were changed during the working week without any notice or heads up, and well after the rota had been finalised. I saw this by chance and changed my plans to accommodate so I could work (on my day off) It was a busy shift but I had to leave on time because I had moved my plans to the evening. My manager is now trying to give me disciplinary action for not staying past my time to help out. Whats the ruling on this?
I work in a restaurant and we start the week from Sunday .. Very often it happens that the schedule for the next working week, which starts on Sunday, is given a day before, for example, at 5pm on Saturday. Is it legal and when is the deadline for notifying employees of the next week’s shifts if they work on a weekly basis
I work for a care company and have always done same shifts hours and sleep overs for 2 years now they are putting out rotas with bank staff already allocated hours and sleeps and changing my shifts when others complain they want more sleeps they are taking off me and not informing me and when I phone or email to ask about it ignoring my email and calls
Question, i work in a spa. When i started they had said that they consider full time being on average 32 hours a week. I was informed that they now have changed that. You must work 1 weekend day to be considered full time. So personally having to work around daycare hours, i work monday to friday, averaging 35 hours a week. So my question being is this legal? I work more then there required full time hours, but im still considered “part time” because i cant work on weekend. This effects my ranking so i wont get booked as much, as well as i wont get the extended medical benifits.
Have worked full time nights for 20 years and now because of loss of work they want me to work days. Ifs theres no work on night shift why dont they just make me redundant
Hi. I work 5 from 7, have always done our own rotas but now we are being given rotas with no choice. Some are double shifts and day off so am expected to work all hours over 4 days as opposed to 5. Do we have a say in which days off we want/need. TIA
We havnt been open a week , like every pub and club we have reduced hours, now they want to change them back is this allowed.
I would like to know what a workers rights in the case of an employer forcing them to work longer by extending their shift while they’re at work?
A friend was set to work 9 until 5pm then while on that shift they was told they’re working until 6 and then after they had a break it had been changed again to 7 so they told the manager they couldn’t do that and was told “it’s tour contract day so your shift can be extended 2 and a half hours either side” which I don’t think is right at all, I told them to complain to their head office and report the manager as she sounds like a c u next tuesday
Hi , I want to ask regarding hospitality jobs. Many times I witnessed situation were management decided to save labour so they simply send employee home after few hours as the pub/ restsurant want busy at that time. Can you advice if there is any law protecting these workers?? Mainly if the shift is 8 hours and been cut to 3 hours only. Many thanks.
My daughter is a hairdresser and the salon is to reopen this weekend. She has been asked to work every sunday now 9-7. She has not agreed to sign anything yet but can she refuse? Can they dismiss her? She has asked if the sundays could be rotated but they refuse
I have been furloughed since March, always done the same hours of work fitting in with my childrens school, for the last 14 years, I am a single mum to 3 young children and I Have been told that my hours of work will need to change to suit the business better meaning I would have to work all day mon, fri and every other sat, starting in July this would be so difficult for me with having to do school run etc