Do Childminders Need A Food Hygiene Certificate?

Generally speaking, Childminders are regarded as low-risk food premises but they still have responsibilities. It is a requirement for Childminders to register their business with their Local Authority before having children on roll. So do childminders also need a food hygiene certificate? While it is not a legal requirement to take a course and gain a certificate, it’s very much encouraged.

childminder sitting at table giving a child food.
Whilst childminders aren’t legally required to have a food hygiene certificate, they do have food safety responsibilities. A course will help understand how to follow food safety laws properly.

Childminders must have knowledge of the risks involved in food preparation and be aware of how to reduce these risks. A food hygiene course is a perfect way to ensure you stay within the UK food safety laws. Childcare settings can be inspected by Environmental Health Officers so having a certificate covers yourself.

What Certificate do Childminders Need?

Our guide looks at why a food hygiene course for childminders is advisable, and what the appropriate certificate is for a childcare business.

Food Hygiene Course for Childminders

worker at counter serving food in a hygienic way
  • This course can be completed online in just 3 hours.
  • Download your certificate instantly.
  • Compliant with all UK regulations & Laws.
  • Meets all legal requirements for food handlers.
  • Course content can be played as audio.

£20+ VAT

Bulk discounts available for multiple team members.

Why Do I Need a Food Hygiene Certificate For Childminding?

Childminders in England are required to follow all standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Within this document, it states child carers must be competent when it comes to preparing and handling food. It is logical, therefore, that your next step would be to take part in a hygiene course.

Allergies in children are on the rise so it is very important that Childminders understand the risks and show awareness of the food allergens. Childminders who provide meals in their setting need to be able to list all the allergens in the foods they prepare. Understanding issues such as what the 14 allergens are is vital in creating a safe childcare setting.  Even those who do not supply meals, still need to understand how to correctly store food and fridge and freezer temperatures.

Our expert guide on how to become a childminder gives a complete overview of all the training, certifications and courses you need to run a childminding business.

Which Food Hygiene Certificate Do I Need for Childminding?

As food handlers, the relevant certificate for Childminders is a Level 2 in Food Hygiene. This online course complies with the aspects of the Food Safety Act which is relevant to Childminding practices. As a small business, they must make sure they and any staff understand their role in keeping all food safe.

Online Food Hygiene Course for Childminders: Level 2 Food Hygiene

A Level 2 in food hygiene will cover the following key points:

The course is taken online, and can be completed in 3 hours. The qualification is gained by sitting a multiple choice test which can be retaken as many times as necessary to pass the course.

Your food hygiene certificate can be downloaded immediately, and a paper copy of your qualification will also be sent to you in the post.

Our guide on how to get food hygiene certificates gives an overview on how you can get certification quickly and easily via online training.

Other Food Training Courses to Consider

Childminders mainly work on their own so it may be helpful to explore other food courses that might add to your knowledge.

Food Allergen Awareness

This is broadly covered in Level 2 food hygiene, however, having a deeper knowledge of them might be helpful. This is particularly the case if you will be preparing all meals and are likely to come into contact with allergies.

Anaphylaxis Awareness

Should a Childminder be taking on a child with more severe allergies, such as anaphylaxis, then this course will help you prepare. It ensures you are aware of the risks and how to reduce these and also the signs of this allergic reaction.


How often do childminders need to renew food hygiene certificates?

There is no formal expiry date on food hygiene certificates for Childminders but refreshing it every 3 years is advised. Laws and guidance often change so it’s important to make sure the knowledge you have is still relevant.

Is a food hygiene certificate a legal requirement for a childminder?

Food hygiene certificates are not a legal requirement for Childminders but they are heavily advised. Childminders have a duty of care and must be following guidance from the Safer Food, Better Business document. It makes sense, therefore, to do one of these courses so that you understand your role as a food handler.

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