Violence at Work – Dealing with Being Assaulted at Work

Being assualted at work is very upsetting event. How should you deal with violence at your place of work? We take a look at duties of employers to protect staff from this risk, and what to do if you are assaulted.

man being verbally assaulted at work by another employee who is very angry

What is Violence at Work?

The HSE define work-related violence as ‘any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.’

This includes verbal abuse and threats, as well as any form of physical abuse. It can also include sexual harassment in the workplace. Those most at risk from assault are employees who work with members of the public, or care users. However it is important to remember that violence can also be carried out by fellow staff members.

Our guide on swearing in the workplace highlights the importance of having proper HR policies to deal with offensive language.

Protecting Employees from Assault – Employers Duty of Care

Employers have a duty of care to their employees to make sure that they are reasonably safe at work.

Often when considering this duty, employers consider the need for work premises and any machinery to be safe. These are important factors, but employers must also consider risk posed by other people their staff will meet at work.

Higher risk jobs, like workers in care homes for adults with mental illness, should have assessed this risk. Specific policies and procedures should in place to reduce risk and prevent violent incidents. All employees should be trained on these measures.

It is important that these safety measures are reviewed regularly. Any accidents or near misses should be reported to your employer so that they can review if changes are needed.

What to Do If Assaulted at Work

If you are assaulted at work it’s likely to be a distressing experience. Its important to take the right action as quickly as possible. Follow our steps below as soon as possible after the incident.

  1. If an incident happens, report it to your manager. They should investigate the the event. If they don’t, make sure that you make notes of what happened. Write down the names of any witnesses, take photos of the area, and any injuries
  2. Should you wish to pursue the matter as a criminal offence, ask your employer to report it to the police. If they don’t do so, you can call the police yourself. For non-emergency calls, contact the police on 101.
  3. If you have worries about the incident happening again, discuss ways to prevent this with your manager.

Reporting a Crime

If you suffer violence from a member of the public or colleague, consider whether it is a crime. Forms of violence which constitute a criminal offence may include:

  • Use of racially abusive language.
  • Threats to kill.
  • Physical violence. For example punching / kicking, especially if injury is caused.

In the event of being assaulted at work, you may want to consider a civil action against your employer. This can take the form of an employment tribunal claim or an injury claim. If you’ve been a victim of assault at work, you can consider the following actions.

Employment Tribunal Claim

If an employer fails to prevent violence at work, and you have to leave your job, this could be a breach of contract and lead to a constructive dismissal claim.

For example: Your employer knows a fellow worker threatens you and does not take action to prevent it. You are unable to work in those conditions and quit your job. This could be constructive dismissal and you could be entitled to compensation.

Get advice from an employment lawyer or your local Citizens Advice Bureau if you are thinking of making an employment tribunal claim.

Personal Injury at Work Claim

If you’re injured after being assaulted at work, you may be able to make an injury claim against your employer. Injuries may be physical or mental. For example, a diagnosed psychological condition such as anxiety or PTSD.

Your employer is responsible for ensuring your reasonable safety at work. If they have not taken action to keep you safe, they may be found to have acted negligently.

This means they could be responsible for your injury. Employers are responsible for the actions of other employees, even if criminal. That means if another employee assaults you at work your employer can be liable to compensate you for injury.

If you are considering this route, speak to an injury law specialist or contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Workplace Violence: Everybody’s problem

Violence at work is a serious issue for employers. This can lead to injured workers requiring time off work, and employers may end up with legal claims against them.

The law is very much on the side of workers in terms of safety at work. This includes protection from violence. If you have any worries, speak to your employer and hopefully you can work together to prevent any problems. However if an incident happens and you are not happy with your employer’s response, remember you have many legal options.

31 thoughts on “Violence at Work – Dealing with Being Assaulted at Work

  1. Anthony Malone says:

    I was physically threatend at work and put in a grievence. Should the aggresor have been suspended pending the investigation.

  2. Curt says:

    On yesterday 5/3/2021 a forman at my job attacked me with a knife stabbing me 2 times in the back and 1 on the back of my head he was arrested but i was terminated do to being in a physical altercation which report say i was not the aggressor nor did i throw any punches i just protected myself by taking him to the ground and twisting hus hand till he droped the weapon should i have been fired??

  3. Stefan-Onut says:

    Today at work , my colegue and boss told me i kill you , and want to put him hands around my neck , i was scared and i go to my superviser , i told him and dont make nothing , i see this situation and i order a uber , i take my tools and i go home !

  4. Moyle says:

    I was attacked a 100 metres up the road from work by another work on the same building sight and a off duty police office and member off public seen and witnessed everything can the sight manager remove thi person from the building sight

  5. Lisa james says:

    He helped me with my breakup problem and restored my relationship. Anybody who need, His name is Robinson.buckler on Google……………… I am so excited about this !!!!!!! Genital warts HPV, Hepatitis fibroid, Alzheimer’s Disease Cancer, Diabetes…

  6. Event Guy says:

    One of the owners of the company I worked for attempted to attack me with a hammer last night. The only thing that stopped him was that one of my co-workers was able to grab and restrain him. Is there anything I can do about this?

  7. Stevieg says:

    Hi I was confronted and threatened by my boss today I was working on the line as usual and I confronted my boss over line speed… we are ment to do 60 units a hour and without doing it so he can be penalised he was pushing more units than the recommended amount… he was shouting and screaming down the line for us to speed up even tho we were goin at more than recommended speed… I shouted down the line saying no im going fast enough… he then confronted me on the line and after 1 min of a chat my boss started threatening me on the line saying meet me after work ill punch ur head in… I did not retaliate I waiting for my hour on my station to be up and then immediately confronted our factory manager to let him know whats gone on and to sort it……….do I need to report this to human resources…. have I done everything right…. what steps do I need to take next

  8. June says:

    My son was attacked by a customer at work and has suffered facial and dental damage. Despite doing everything properly and trying to to protect colleagues and other customers he has been told that a large fast food chain is not insured for injury. He has thousands of pounds of dental bills to cover and will be left with permanent scarring. The criminal compensation will not be sufficient and the attacker has no money. The workplace did not provide security despite the risk. Help!

  9. Sedika says:

    My daughter was working 17 days night shifts 12 hours for 8.74ph 2 days ago they called me that she will stop going to work because she can’t speak English and Polish language and her communication is zero this what the Polish lady leader said to the agency . The real problem is this lady been abused my daughter at workplace with racism, bad language make bad jokes with her jealous a man from workplace from my daughter and she hate my daughter the same time she been telling her that my daughter has not theths and that my daughter is stupid Bulgarian b…ch . I complain to manager the manager said its not true and they remove my daughter from work. ?? 2 days now my daughter heavily depressed at home she can’t sleep at all . She was very happy because this was her first job in UK. And don’t know what to do. I need support & advice from anyone. Thank you

  10. O says:

    I was at work yesterday and I work as a residential security guard. My main job is to ask for proof of residence as the secure entrance is broken. I asked one of the residents for a proof of and she snapped at me stating that I should have remembered her face instead of sitting at my desk. I replied that I was not going to be able to remember every resident and that I am only there for her safety as well as other residents. She snapped at me swearing and belittling me, I ignored her and called the duty manager to handle the situation and at that point she still insisted on verbally attacking me and saying she would have me removed from the site. To make the situation worse her partner cane to me after she left threatening to stab me and that he would knock me out. I feel as though some people feel that they can talk however they want to security guard and staff on any position and site. This is disgusting and horrible for me to have to feel like I have to watch my back from being stabbed by those am protecting in the night whiles also watching the from from those who would do them harm.

  11. Ben says:

    On the 3/9/2020. I’m a carer in a residential home. I was trapped in a room by my manager, deputy manager and senior carer. They know I have a mental illness and suffer from hearing voices. I expressed I wasn’t feeling good and wanted to go home. I was swore at by manager who went onto grab my throat and smack me three times round the face. The other two tried to get me to the floor. The manager told me I know longer had a job ( the manager was to be my mother in law next year). Her daughter (my fiancée) also told my mother that I’d lost my job. I’m now on sick and under the community mental health team. All meds have been increased since the abuse. I’m meant to be having a disciplinary as apparently no one at any point said I’d lost my job. We did report this to the police who said they would all stick together and I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. They also said it would be best to go to tribunal. I would be grateful for any advice.

  12. Dental Office From H says:

    I am sad to even be writing this story but if anyone else ever encounters a boss or leader who is undeniable rude, verbally abusive and mentally/ physically manipulates you, please please leave immediately and look for another job. I tried to leave my position respectfully and on my way out the Dr grabbed my shoulder to try and pull me back in the office so he could continue to verbally harass me before I left. I was in utter shock, as this grown man just put his hands on me. I immediately jumped back and loudly expressed. “You DO NOT put your hands on me or anyone else!” He was in utter shock that I would stick up for myself. I was able to leave immediately after this incident, which I feel very grateful for. I’m more concerned about the girls I left behind and I pray to god they move on to new places. It is not okay for ANY employer to grab any employee, customer, patient, etc. This Dr should be EXTREMELY ashamed of himself. What a disgrace. He has absolutely no respect for women and it sadly shows.

  13. Kev says:

    I was attacked with safety knife by one of empleyees. He cut my leg. I was suspended for that because i hide his knife and we were known for having banter before at work so my company told me that what I didt was a gross misconduct that led to attack and gave me 12 Months written warning. Can I appeal from that?

  14. bob says:

    I was assaulted (punched in the face by another work colleague) at work by a guy from an agencie who has worked with the company for about 6months. Should he be dismissed from the work place/disciplinary? Its all on cctv and my boss was stood there when he frew the punches……

  15. Redivy says:

    This is what happened to me. Sorry for the way it’s written had to send it to someone but it explains it all. Keep in mind also I have a disability, rhematoid arthritis plus a heart condition and high blood pressure. Also bad anxiety. Hello, I need help, yesterday I was terminated and while my boss was telling me I’m terminated, which is funny cause I asked for a raise Friday, but anyways as I was bending to get my purse which I forgot that it was there, didn’t have time to move it that morning, he physically pushed me, keep in mind I have rhematoid arthritis,heart condition and bad blood pressure that all this has infected it badly. I also have video proof of it. I want to go file a report but the problem is my husband still works there. Which probably won’t be for long since they have been trying to push us out. The paperwork my boss gave me isnt truthful, I supposedly got wrote up for two things but I never once saw the paperwork to sign anything, never had a chance to decline to sign, one thing I was written up for didn’t even happen. They said I hollered at the to be honest I don’t even know what she is other than the owners wife. She has no title but able to make judgements. I have it on recording of us talking and I never once hollered at her. They even put the date wrong on the paperwork. I’ve only spoken to her 3 times. The other time she called me back with no one else and started to claim I wasn’t doing my job, and when I tried to ask her what do they want me to do cause the reason I was getting behind on things was their fault. They didn’t have the stuff to make the kits. I was helping others and told it wasn’t my job but I was asked to do it from the manager at the time, we don’t have any management anymore supposedly but I was asked to do it. Then she tells me I can’t ask for help but then says I don’t ask for help,she has no clue what we are doing there, since she doesn’t actually work there, so when trying to explain anything she wouldn’t listen, I called my husband in there to explain especially when she straight up lied about me hollering at her before. I was mad and I ain’t going to say I didn’t get attitude with her because she wouldn’t listen. I have it on recording. I have rhematoid arthritis, high blood pressure and heart condition and she has caused me emotional distress, they both have, my boss also. Well all that happened, no one even brought up any paperwork to sign, or even said I was being wrote up. I even wrote my boss the next day asking him if he was going to let me go, that he do it and not her, he told me no and that things will be ok, not once did he ever say I needed to sign anything or that I was being wrote up. I even offered to give him the recording so he could hear what happened, he didn’t ask for it. Everything seemed fine, no issue at all, she stayed away from me cause it was causing my anxiety and high blood pressure with her cause I didn’t know what would happen next. That happe

  16. Redivy says:

    This is what happened to me. Sorry for the way it’s written had to send it to someone but it explains it all. Keep in mind also I have a disability, rhematoid arthritis plus a heart condition and high blood pressure. Also bad anxiety. Hello, I need help, yesterday I was terminated and while my boss was telling me I’m terminated, which is funny cause I asked for a raise Friday, but anyways as I was bending to get my purse which I forgot that it was there, didn’t have time to move it that morning, he physically pushed me, keep in mind I have rhematoid arthritis,heart condition and bad blood pressure that all this has infected it badly. I also have video proof of it. I want to go file a report but the problem is my husband still works there. Which probably won’t be for long since they have been trying to push us out. The paperwork my boss gave me isnt truthful, I supposedly got wrote up for two things but I never once saw the paperwork to sign anything, never had a chance to decline to sign, one thing I was written up for didn’t even happen. They said I hollered at the to be honest I don’t even know what she is other than the owners wife. She has no title but able to make judgements. I have it on recording of us talking and I never once hollered at her. They even put the date wrong on the paperwork. I’ve only spoken to her 3 times. The other time she called me back with no one else and started to claim I wasn’t doing my job, and when I tried to ask her what do they want me to do cause the reason I was getting behind on things was their fault. They didn’t have the stuff to make the kits. I was helping others and told it wasn’t my job but I was asked to do it from the manager at the time, we don’t have any management anymore supposedly but I was asked to do it. Then she tells me I can’t ask for help but then says I don’t ask for help,she has no clue what we are doing there, since she doesn’t actually work there, so when trying to explain anything she wouldn’t listen, I called my husband in there to explain especially when she straight up lied about me hollering at her before. I was mad and I ain’t going to say I didn’t get attitude with her because she wouldn’t listen. I have it on recording. I have rhematoid arthritis, high blood pressure and heart condition and she has caused me emotional distress, they both have, my boss also. Well all that happened, no one even brought up any paperwork to sign, or even said I was being wrote up. I even wrote my boss the next day asking him if he was going to let me go, that he do it and not her, he told me no and that things will be ok, not once did he ever say I needed to sign anything or that I was being wrote up. I even offered to give him the recording so he could hear what happened, he didn’t ask for it. Everything seemed fine, no issue at all, she stayed away from me cause it was causing my anxiety and high blood pressure with her cause I didn’t know what would happen next. That happe

  17. Lost says:

    An employee at my job threatend another employee. By calling her boyfriend to beat the guy up over words. Now he shows up but nothing happen. The guys who was about to be assaulted doesn’t know that was about to happen. I overheard the girls boyfriend saying he was guna assault the other guy so I told my manager. He said he would handle it. Now the guy still don’t know about the incident even though it was about him. Does he need to know about the incident because my manager hasn’t told him to not create a bigger mess. Doesn’t the guy need to know wat happen???

  18. MissG says:

    My son was terminated after he had informed his supervisor that he was intentionally hit by another employee. Postal Inspectors were contacted to do an investigation. His termination was effective the day of the incident, instead of being effective when the investigation was completed. The inspectors informed us that the incident was inconclusive. From this I would have been under the impression that they couldn’t verify or deny an incident occurred. Should he still have been terminated?

  19. JamesN says:

    I have been bullied by my coworker for around 3 months now, calling me names like “pedophile,” “nazi,” “thief,” “scavenger,” “c**t,” “racist,” while shouting and screaming at me. Nothing this person says is true, simply saying these things to be spiteful. I didn’t want to go into work or be around this person at all and I struggled to work on my projects because of them. Recently it took a turn for the worst when this person decided to get physical with me. They dropped their phone into a bag of sick on accident because someone in the office was ill, instead of cleaning their phone they went into a rage and charged at me, grabbed my arm so I couldn’t resist and began smearing my arm with puke that they had on their phone. I was trying to get away but I was being restrained, I then slapped the person to get them off of me as I was sat down on a computer and couldn’t push them, they walked back for a second and then began to throw punches and kicks at me when I stood up. I had to restrain the person by holding their arms and put them onto the ground so they wouldn’t kick me. My boss comes into the room to refuse the situation and agrees that this person was in the wrong. Instead of leaving it at that, the person decides to phone the police and claim assault for me slapping them, despite all that his person did, I suspect it’s because they knew they were going to get fired (they were on their last warning for bullying in the workplace and generally being late). Now because the police are involved my boss feels like he NEEDS to fire me too despite the fact he really doesn’t want to. Is this fair? I feels like there’s nothing I can do, this person has been eroding my mental health for months and has now taken my career away simply because I retaliated once and they called the police. What do I do?

  20. JamesN says:

    I have been bullied by my coworker for around 3 months now, calling me names like “pedophile,” “nazi,” “thief,” “scavenger,” “c**t,” “racist,” while shouting and screaming at me. Nothing this person says is true, simply saying these things to be spiteful. I didn’t want to go into work or be around this person at all and I struggled to work on my projects because of them. Recently it took a turn for the worst when this person decided to get physical with me. They dropped their phone into a bag of sick on accident because someone in the office was ill, instead of cleaning their phone they went into a rage and charged at me, grabbed my arm so I couldn’t resist and began smearing my arm with puke that they had on their phone. I was trying to get away but I was being restrained, I then slapped the person to get them off of me as I was sat down on a computer and couldn’t push them, they walked back for a second and then began to throw punches and kicks at me when I stood up. I had to restrain the person by holding their arms and put them onto the ground so they wouldn’t kick me. My boss comes into the room to refuse the situation and agrees that this person was in the wrong. Instead of leaving it at that, the person decides to phone the police and claim assault for me slapping them, despite all that his person did, I suspect it’s because they knew they were going to get fired (they were on their last warning for bullying in the workplace and generally being late). Now because the police are involved my boss feels like he NEEDS to fire me too despite the fact he really doesn’t want to. Is this fair? I feels like there’s nothing I can do, this person has been eroding my mental health for months and has now taken my career away simply because I retaliated once and they called the police. What do I do?

  21. JamesN says:

    I have been bullied by my coworker for around 3 months now, calling me names like “pedophile,” “nazi,” “thief,” “scavenger,” “c**t,” “racist,” while shouting and screaming at me. Nothing this person says is true, simply saying these things to be spiteful. I didn’t want to go into work or be around this person at all and I struggled to work on my projects because of them. Recently it took a turn for the worst when this person decided to get physical with me. They dropped their phone into a bag of sick on accident because someone in the office was ill, instead of cleaning their phone they went into a rage and charged at me, grabbed my arm so I couldn’t resist and began smearing my arm with puke that they had on their phone. I was trying to get away but I was being restrained, I then slapped the person to get them off of me as I was sat down on a computer and couldn’t push them, they walked back for a second and then began to throw punches and kicks at me when I stood up. I had to restrain the person by holding their arms and put them onto the ground so they wouldn’t kick me. My boss comes into the room to refuse the situation and agrees that this person was in the wrong. Instead of leaving it at that, the person decides to phone the police and claim assault for me slapping them, despite all that his person did, I suspect it’s because they knew they were going to get fired (they were on their last warning for bullying in the workplace and generally being late). Now because the police are involved my boss feels like he NEEDS to fire me too despite the fact he really doesn’t want to. Is this fair? I feels like there’s nothing I can do, this person has been eroding my mental health for months and has now taken my career away simply because I retaliated once and they called the police. What do I do?

  22. JamesN says:

    I have been bullied by my coworker for around 3 months now, calling me names like “pedophile,” “nazi,” “thief,” “scavenger,” “c**t,” “racist,” while shouting and screaming at me. Nothing this person says is true, simply saying these things to be spiteful. I didn’t want to go into work or be around this person at all and I struggled to work on my projects because of them. Recently it took a turn for the worst when this person decided to get physical with me. They dropped their phone into a bag of sick on accident because someone in the office was ill, instead of cleaning their phone they went into a rage and charged at me, grabbed my arm so I couldn’t resist and began smearing my arm with puke that they had on their phone. I was trying to get away but I was being restrained, I then slapped the person to get them off of me as I was sat down on a computer and couldn’t push them, they walked back for a second and then began to throw punches and kicks at me when I stood up. I had to restrain the person by holding their arms and put them onto the ground so they wouldn’t kick me. My boss comes into the room to refuse the situation and agrees that this person was in the wrong. Instead of leaving it at that, the person decides to phone the police and claim assault for me slapping them, despite all that his person did, I suspect it’s because they knew they were going to get fired (they were on their last warning for bullying in the workplace and generally being late). Now because the police are involved my boss feels like he NEEDS to fire me too despite the fact he really doesn’t want to. Is this fair? I feels like there’s nothing I can do, this person has been eroding my mental health for months and has now taken my career away simply because I retaliated once and they called the police. What do I do?

  23. Leka says:

    Discription of incident: My former boss asked my husband to come downstairs After having a verbal confrontation to have a Meeting with him and the manager. I stood on the stairs listening because our former employer is a black belt in judo and is known for being verbally violent with employees and physically violent with his own family members. I watched and listened as our young manager who is our former employer’s daughter Start to yell at my husband. I heard her yell “I didn’t ask to be the manager”, then my husband yelled that’s not my fault. She got mad grabbed something off her desk and threw it at my husband. That’s when i jumped in and my former employer blocked me from his daughter and I yelled don’t you ever f”n do that to my husband. She then said “What you gonna do about it? Yah that’s right nothing, can’t your husband handle his own problems” . As I was being blocked and yelled again you have no f”n right to do that. He grabbed me and did a judo throw on me which in turn I hit the floor concrete and door. He left me there and went to grab my husband. My husband then said “ What the f” are you doing ? This is assault, we can sue you. He let go and backed up quickly. My husband grabbed me and we started walking up the stairs and our manager yelled “your done your gone and there’s nothing you can do about it!” We then went straight to the hospital to get me checked out. I filed assault charges against this toxic boss but just got a letter it’s been dismissed so messed up! The whole time the police officer we thought would help me was our ex employer good Friend how corrupt is that! The cop filed a false police report and the prosecuting attorney dismissed the whole thing. Any advise what do I do?

  24. harddoneby says:

    Two weeks ago my guard caused a dangerous situation that resulted in a hypordermic needle being pulled out on him. I intervened to protect him and the general public, as a result my company has taken me to disciplinary for gross misconduct. I removed the needle safely and with minimum restraint, I do not know what else I could have done to keep everybody safe.

  25. Nobby says:

    I worked for my previous employer for 31 years and throughout my years of service I was physically and verbally abused by my boss. He would punch me to the arms, pull my ears and pinch my nipples. A’s well as the physical abuse, here would verbally insult and humiliate me in front of my colleagues. I had to hand in my notice when he took on a young man who had a conviction for downloading vile images of children . That was my perfect excuse to leave as my eldest son and his wife lost their first child and I was disgusted with the fact that they would take on a paedophile. Since leaving the company I have had terrible recurring nightmares about my boss and am now taking antidepressants for depression.

  26. rob says:

    I was working my job training a coworker as a security dispatcher at a refinery…3 weeks into traing my trainee was falling behind as usual taking nothing serious. I GUESS I SPOKE IN AN AUTHORITATIVE WAY AND HE RESPONDED “” you raise your voice to me again and I’m gonna bust you up”” ..As time went I could not work with this man and managments move was to have another worker between us as we relieved one another..Needless to say my stomach was in knots daily when we realieved one another,I had no idea what to expect( not knowing if I had to be ready to protect myself daiy) One day an alarm went off about an injured coworker and unlike myself I reacted tentatively ( being interacting with him was still on my mind) I fell short on one of my duties and was terminated..[ may I say that this has never happened on a job before and not knowing how my daily interaction would be always had me on edge] A few days later this man was removed from his position and i believe if it was done immediately after the threat my performance would have been on par not fearing to arrive for a fight would not be in my head…btw I am 61 and this individual is 30… As stated I was fired and since the first interaction I have lost weight become depressed and down on myself as I have never been. …….

  27. Brown says:

    Had what i thought was a reasonable discussion at work anyway the fella has ended up swearing his head off at me and walked off. Ive followed him into the warehouse and was assaulted with a 1ltr bottle of moto mix and headbutted. We was both sent home. Where do i stand in regards to compensation or criminal procedures

  28. Lil says:

    I was to bullied at work more then three times verbal abuse gets to you its hurtful being screamed at shouted at for no reason there was one incident were I had the shop manager talk behind my back and really demeaned me publicly humiliated me in front of others she was much older then me I left my mental health and well being is more important then having a manager doing that to workers and or to staff. Bullying in the work force needs to be dealt with no one should ever bully and get away with it. No matter who you are manager or supervisor no one has got a right to be nasty and horrible towards anyone. It doesnt cost anything to be respectful and considerate towards others. I had another supervisor when I worked in a kitchen as a kitchen assistant volunteering work it was fine for few months but then someone made a commet at work it was the supervisor that made a horrible vile comment about the way I looked and my height it was deeply offensive rude commet this went on for few weeks it came across that she saw me as a threat the final straw was when she shouted abuse at me inside the kitchen in front of other workers and staff that was the final straw. I had to report her she was reported and I then I had to leave I wasnt going to let someone talk to me like that. I left and never looked back. She was reported to the manager nothing else was said or done I did what I had to do I reported her to the company that sent me there and I told them what she was like with me and that she made unprofessional commets causing great offence to me about my body weight and height I said I felt embarrassed and really humiliated it was bad enough saying it to me it was said in front of others to I felt small stupid and just myself esteem went my confidence went no one should ever make you feel in that way.

  29. John says:

    A work collegue has been very abusive last couple of months and recently threatened to burn my van down flat etc ive been the one constantly walking away from confrontation…he’s the type of person that will want a fight any chance he gets..iam too smart for it…bosses don’t care I’ve mentioned a few times Iam having trouble…they won’t do i have to resign to negate the negative situation 3 years I’ve been there last 5 months have been hell…i use to look forward to going to work but now its horrible any advice would be much appreciated

  30. Theo says:

    I have assualted by an employee whe I was exercising my duties in my capacity. The official enter in my office rudely while I was with my colleague helping each other with work cases, and she grab my personal car keys and left with them. After a while, I went to her to the area where she was sitting begging my keys, she denied that she never took keys. I tell the official, she must not take bad advantage on me, she responded with a vulgar language. I send the official that she was sitting with her to ask my key. The official did not respond instead she signed down quietly. The official took my keys pack her bags and go through the entrance. I reported to securities that the official took my car keys and denied when I ask them. I ask them to search thoroughly all the people going out and in. The official wanted to go out refused to be searched. Ì went to the entrance to speak with her, while, I speak to her, she pushed me, I was wearing high heel shoes, I hold to her dress as I was scared to fall and get injured, her dress ripped off. She beat me and the securities came to separate her to me as she grab my dress. She refuse to be separated until my colleague came and hold her, and, I sustained injured. I went to my office. After a while my colleague came with my car keys. I ask one question to him, where do you find my keys? He responded that, from the official bag. That was the most terrible pain i expirienced ever since i got employed. Got provoked and distracted.

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