There are very strict laws in place regarding gender (sex) discrimination as there are with other issues such as discrimination because of race or disability.
Gender Discrimination Meaning: Discrimination takes place when someone is treated unfairly in the workplace because of their gender. Discrimination can happen to both men and women.
Examples of Gender Discrimination in The Workplace:-
- Excluding men or women from some roles based on outdated views of what work is suitable for a particular gender.
- Salary differences between people of different genders performing the same role.
- Failing to deal with workplace sexual harassment.
- Workplace rules that place an employee at disadvantage because of their gender.
The 2010 Equality Act – How Does The Law Protect Against Gender Discrimination?
The law as laid out in the 2010 Equality Act protects anybody from being directly or indirectly discriminated against on account of their gender.
Direct & Indirect Gender Discrimination
Direct discrimination would include treating somebody less favourably than others due to their sex. Indirect discrimination includes things such as applying rules within the workplace which disadvantages females against males and vice versa.
Fairness in Recruitment
The law also includes fairness for both sexes in the way in which an employer recruits trains, promotes and dismisses staff. The process has to be the same for both men and women. It would also incorporate things like pay. Both men and women are legally entitled to the same pay and conditions if their jobs are the same or very similar.
Protection For Women During Maternity leave
It also prevents women from being discriminated against on the grounds of their entitlement to take Maternity Leave, coming back from maternity leave or their wish to keep working whilst pregnant. However, there is other legislation in place in terms of having to take maternity leave by a particular time before they are due to give birth.
You do not have to have been with your employer for any specific length of time to be covered by the legislation. You can still make a claim whether or not you are still working with the company. However, if you have left the company as a result of actual or perceived discrimination, you will have to make a claim within a set period of time.
Penalties For Employers
Employers should be very careful in ensuring that people are not discriminated against because of their sex. The penalties can be very high due to the fact that there is no upper limit of compensation the employer would be liable to pay if a claim brought against them was upheld.
What to do if You Think You’re Being Discriminated Against
You should firstly look to try and resolve any issues internally by speaking to your employer, to a HR manager or to a union representative. You should explain why you feel that you have a grievance. Your company will often have an Equal Opportunities policy so you should ask to see it to back up any claim you may wish to make. If the problem is still not resolved, you should make a complaint using your employers grievance procedure. This will ensure that the complaint can be logged in writing and it should then be dealt with appropriately. As a last resort, you can take your employer to an Employment Tribunal.
There are some exceptions to the law in that it is possible to offer a job to someone of a particular sex if the work is exempt from gender discrimination legislation. This could include teaching in single sex schools, jobs in welfare services. For example, the right to employ a female in a womans refuge and also in film or theatre where an acting role can only be played by a man or a woman.
These types of exceptions are strictly governed under what is termed a Genuine Occupational Qualification or GOQ which states that the duties or nature of a specific job demand that the employee is of a particular gender.
Gender Reassignment
It is also unlawful, in the majority of cases, to discriminate where a man or a woman is having, has undergone or is intending to undergo gender reassignment.
If you are in any doubt about whether you have grounds to make a case of gender discrimination against your employer, you should seek legal advice or enquire via your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
Hi I have been dismissed from my job in a very erratic and abrupt way. still without a valid reason supported with evidence. I had worked for my ex employer for 16 months so under the 2 year threshold. I had never received any verbal or written notices in any of that time and had never been invited to any meetings to discuss any issues the managers may have had with me. They were trying to relocate my job from working from home (that was what the job was when I took it) to working from the office. This brought on my anxiety (I also suffer with depression) and I started to panic, 1) about going back out to working with other people and 2) I was worried it would have a negative financial impact on me so I asked for a meeting to discuss. I currently have a 3 year old in nursery (I am his sole carer as his father is not around) so moving to the office would also mean I would have further to go should anything happen to him (another trigger for my anxiety, his safety) I thought if I had a meeting with the managers we could maybe come to an agreement that would keep everyone happy but instead a manager turned up on my doorstep (unannounced) the day after I had requested a meeting and gave me notice without any reason. When I asked for a reason there wasn’t one and when I said that the whole office move had triggered off my anxiety and that I was worrying about it he just said “this is for the best then”. Another reason for not wanting to move to the office which also made me feel extremely anxious is that one of the managers who is based there has reduced me to tears, threatened my job more than once, made me feel inadequate and scared me to a point that I felt sick and anxious most times when I had to approach him for work reasons (even now he has been emailing to resolve pay and I feel anxious every time I see an email from him, my heart actually beats faster) Under the 2 year employment law they don’t have to give me any warnings or written notice or any reason right? but what if 3 other employee’s (all men) who have worked for them for a less amount of time than me have been treated fairly and proper procedures have been followed to deal with their issues and they all still have their job. Can I claim unfair dismissal on disability and sex discrimination and possibly bullying/victimisation? There is so much more to this story and I have full supporting evidence but these are the main reasons I want to take this further.