Formal dinners hosted by your workplace can be terrific or terrible, often without much variation in between. The best way to make sure you have an enjoyable night is to do your preparation and stick to some key rules.

Important Preparation
You need to know if there is to be a theme for the evening. You should also find out what expectations your employers will have about their employee’s behaviour.
Some industry sectors love a rowdy night out. Free champagne all night positively encourages bad behaviour. Other companies prefer a more sedate approach, with loud or lewd behaviour causing a great embarrassment.
What can make the boundary blur is that even the most uptight organisation can provide lots of free alcohol. This can be a free bar or bottles of wine on the tables to go with your meal.
Think about the type of company you work for and the type of nights you have had with your colleagues. While you may not get an accurate idea of what is expected of you at a work function, you will be able to tell what behaviour is usual and acceptable.
Think about what type of behaviour gets talked about in negative terms in the office on a Monday morning. If someone had too much to drink on the Friday night after work, is it considered a big deal or just the normal way to wind down after a long week?
Once you have understood what is considered acceptable, you can plan your evening accordingly. Our guide on how to behave at the office christmas party has great hints and tips to deal with boozy work events.
Key Rules Of Behaviour
The key rules of behaviour for your formal work’s dinner may sound a little too uptight for your liking, but it is important to remember that, essentially, you are at work.
Yes it might be a Saturday night and yes your company may be encouraging you to let your hair down, but don’t. If someone is going to get talked about on Monday morning, don’t let it be you. Save your tightest dress and drinking games for a night with your friends.
Dress Appropriately
Go for a classic suit, dress or smart casual outfit. Show a bit of character with a bright nail varnish or more fashionable shirt than you would wear for the office, but don’t get carried away.
Don’t Get Drunk
This is the most important rule – however much free booze there is, even if everyone else is hammered – just don’t get drunk.
Don’t Gossip
Again, this is really tempting if everyone else is having a good old gossip, but don’t join in. Of course, you do not want to look like the judgemental bore in the corner, so don’t make it obvious you’re not gossiping, or tell others to stop.
Join In
If there is some theme to the night, such as a casino or fancy dress, make sure you join in. You don’t need to be the life and soul of the party, just make an effort.
Talk to People
Making an effort at a work’s formal dinner involves talking to people that you may not choose to talk to. If your boss’s wife is looking lost, ask her about her job, or their children.
If the bloke from accounts is sitting by himself, ask if he wants to join your table. You will be remembered for being good company.
Don’t Be Overbearing
Even though you want to make an effort and talk to people, this does not mean that you should suck up to your boss all night.
There is a fine line between being good company and being overbearing. So be friendly and relaxed, but don’t corner your boss to say how much you love the job, or indeed how much you hate it!