SSP Rates 2023 to 2024 – Daily & Weekly Sick Pay Guide

There are times when employees are just too sick to work, it happens to us all. But what are SSP rates in 2023? Having a clear insight into how much Statutory Sick Pay to expect means everyone knows where they stand.

It can be difficult to work out how and when you qualify for SSP. It’s important for workers to understand exactly how it works and how it can be used when they are ill.

This guide explores current SSP rates and how to calculate what you are owed.

What is SSP?

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is a minimum payment eligible employees can claim when they are unable to work due to illness or injury.

It is paid via your employer, normally via PAYE and will be shown on your payslip as earnings. SSP is paid out from the 4th consecutive day of absence. The first 3 days of illness are called SSP waiting days. This will be paid directly to you either weekly or monthly.

Employers may already have their own sick pay scheme in place. However, occupational or contractual sick pay cannot be less than the statutory minimum rate of SSP.

It is important to check your contract of employment so you understand what scheme your company uses.

Qualifying for Sick Pay

It can be challenging trying to understand the qualifying factors for SSP but it isn’t overly complicated.

There are three main criteria for an employee to claim SSP:-

  1. You must be classed as an employee and have carried out some work for your employer.
  2. You need to earn an average total of at least £123 per week.
  3. SSP kicks in only when you have been off work for 4 consecutive days.

The first 3 days an employee is off work ill are considered the waiting days. SSP kicks in, on the 4th consecutive day off work. The first 3 days are not included in SSP and go unpaid.

See Also: SSP Linked Periods – a guide on when periods of sickness can be linked, meaning there are no waiting days to qualify for Statutory Sick Pay.

What Are Current Daily & Weekly SSP Rates?

SSP rates will change each year. They are normally updated each tax year to reflect inflation. Rates are usually changed in April at the start of the new tax year.

SSP is paid at a flat weekly rate. How much an employee receives will depend upon how many days a week the employee works.

What is the SSP Weekly Rate in 2023?

The weekly rate of SSP is £109.70, it was increased from £99.35 in April 2023.

Employers must adhere to this statutory minimum amount of SSP when paying sick pay. SSP is paid either weekly or monthly on the same schedule your usual pay.

SSP Daily Rate

The daily rate of SSP is calculated based on the weekly rate, meaning it fluctuates depending on how many days per week the employee works.

In the case of an employee who works 5 days per week, the SSP daily rate is £21.88 as at April 2023. It was increased from the 2022 rate of £19.87 per day on April 6th.

How to Calculate Sick Pay Entitlements

If you need to work out sick pay entitlements manually, it can seem somewhat confusing.

However, once you get to the basics of maths, it is actually quite straightforward. You need to start with the weekly rate of SSP. Make sure you have the correct amount as it changes in April each year.

First, you need to take the weekly rate of SSP is £109.70. You then need to take the employee’s qualifying days and divide this by the weekly rate. You then multiply this by the days on which they were eligible for sick pay.

In simple terms, you take the SSP, and you then divide this by the number of working days in a week. Then you multiply this by the number of eligible sickdays for the employee.

You can also make use of the government calculator.

Self Certification

You can self certify for the first 7 days of illness, meaning you do not need a doctor’s note.

This means if you are eligible for SSP, your employer should not ask for proof of illness for anything under these 7 days. If you are going to be off for longer than 7 days, a fit note will be required for SSP purposes.

See Also:

How Long Is SSP Paid For?

SSP can be paid for a maximum of 28 weeks. Once SSP runs out after 28 weeks, you may be eligible for other benefits such as ESA.

You can also use up any accrued holiday to tide you over for those days between benefits. If, however, there is a gap of more than 8 weeks between bouts of illness then the SSP can be reset. This means the cycle of 28 weeks starts over again.

Should SSP be about to run out then your employer should give you details of other benefits and get you to fill in the relevant forms.


Can an employer claim back SSP?

An employer cannot claim back SSP. During the coronavirus pandemic, there were exceptions to this but the scheme closed in March 2022.

Is SSP taxable?

You pay tax and National insurance on SSP as you do your normal wages. If you have a second job then SSP can be paid by each of your employers.

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